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I'm humbled and thrilled that you're here!  I already mentioned that I love journaling, so buckle your seatbelt ... you're in for a crazy, messy ride!  Remember, we're all perfectly imperfect

Welcome, welcome ...

Have you ever considered the impact of grief on relationships in your life? Remember being a kid and pinky swearing? Sometimes, it represented a guarantee of secrecy between friends. The pinky swear not only signified togetherness in the moment, but also a forever bond. While I often equated this to childhood, as an adult, I […]

Grief takes you here, there, and everywhere. The day I realized just how much grief had thrust me into a whirlwind, I’d already hit rock bottom. Roughly 8 months following my mom’s death, I traveled from LA to Washington, D.C. for a business meeting. The airplane, minimally full, provided the perfect cocoon for me to […]

Have you ever wondered how to decompress after experiencing a grief trigger? First things first. Let me define what ‘grief trigger’ means. A grief trigger is basically anything that sparks memories of a loss. It’s not uncommon to think of birthdays, anniversaries, the holiday season, or special events as triggers for grief. What may not […]

Let’s face it. Showing up for someone who’s grieving isn’t easy by any means. Grief is messy and complicated, as well as downright uncomfortable to sit in. The tendency to want to avoid the pain associated with grief is human and understandable. At the same time, doing so can create a situation in which the […]

Friend, have you ever thought about the gift that resides in the mundane rhythms of life? The regular trips to the grocery store. Folding the laundry. Tending to the yard. Sitting in that chair staring at the same scene day after day. If you’re anything like me, the all-too-familiar aspects of life can seem boring. […]

Let’s face it. Asking the tough questions — whether about ourselves, others, or events in our lives — is hard. 2012 proved to be the year that I began asking them. It was the year my mom died 30 days after being diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. Just 30 days! Questions flooded my mind […]

This seems like such an obvious statement, right? When you’re alone, you may begin to experience feelings of loneliness. It makes perfect sense. Grieving alone can feel … well, lonely. First, let me acknowledge that this isn’t the case for every person who grieves. And of course, experiencing seasons of alone-ness as we grieve is […]

Years into my grief journey, I finally surrendered and let grief have its way. I think it was pure emotional and physical exhaustion that led me to that place, coupled with spiritual overwhelm. See, I’m a gifted fighter. My original coaches, Darnell and Patricia Harris (aka, Daddy & Mama), announced early on in my life […]

What does it mean to ‘show up for yourself’ as you grieve? It’s a common catch phrase we read on social media and hear on TV these days.  And it’s a phrase, in my opinion, that can evoke frustration and overwhelm as we consider the need to show up for one more doggone thing. Let’s […]

Grief cracks wide open many things within and around you. Prior to my mom’s death in December 2012, I thought of grief in primarily emotional ways.  I understood the potential for sadness.  The tears.  Desperate longing.  Pain. I’d sat with many clients in the years leading up to her death – clients who sat across […]