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I'm humbled and thrilled that you're here!  I already mentioned that I love journaling, so buckle your seatbelt ... you're in for a crazy, messy ride!  Remember, we're all perfectly imperfect

Welcome, welcome ...

My friend, this is definitely a season of quiet reflection on this end. Here’s why … Just this morning, I went for a 2-mile walk around my neighborhood with my sweet Beagle, Seven, by my side. On occasion, I’ll take a stroll without earbuds in my ear to soak in the sounds around me. However, […]

Years into my grief journey, I finally found myself embracing the inconvenience of grief. I reached a point where I couldn’t fit grief into the nooks and crannies of my life or pretend that it wasn’t a constant companion. No, grief had no regard for my needing to focus from 9-5 or that I couldn’t […]

When the holiday calls — Father’s Day, in this case — you have no choice but to answer, even as you grieve. I know, I know, my friend. This absolutely sucks! Yet what choice do you have as a grieving heart? Option 1 is to insert yourself in bubble wrap to insulate yourself from being […]

When health calls, you answer. My phone rang – again, mind you – in March 2020, shortly after my dad died. The suddenness of his death, coupled with my ongoing grappling with my mom‘s death just 7 1/2 years prior, shook me to the core. In contrast to my attempts to avoid grief altogether when […]

“Music makes the heart bleed.” 🎼 This is something my dad used to say. And he didn’t mean it in a negative way. Rather, he recognized the inherent beauty of music and its ability to unlock the heart’s channels. Boy does it! Music has a way of unearthing memories tucked deeply in our hearts and […]

I hate asking for help. And the part of my brain that’s clinically trained and emotionally in tune recognizes this as flawed on many levels.  However, fierce independence is deeply embedded into the fabric of who I am.Black woman.  Raised by two fiercely independent parents in the Air Force.  Staunch believer in the “hard work […]

The first year of grieving had me running on empty … Unfortunately, as a high-performing and energetic woman, I didn’t even realize it at the time. Looking back, however, especially at pictures of myself, I can see the toll grief took on my body. The year, 2013 … roughly 10 months after my mom died. […]

‘Why the heck am I feeling this way?’ This was the recurring question I asked myself in the months following my mom’s death. I found myself riddled with seemingly random aches and pains, including lingering headaches that lasted for nearly a year. This, coupled with crippling fatigue, left me feeling physically battered and emotionally overwhelmed. […]

What happens when grief is delayed? Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to travel. It’s definitely the sixth love language, in my opinion! Sorry, Mr. Chapman! And one of the inevitabilities of traveling is flight delays. (Insert ‘frowning’ emoji, LOL). If only a brief delay, we find ourselves remaining calm, scurrying to […]

With the year drawing to a close, you’ve probably been asked in one form or another, ‘What are you planning?’ Typically, this question is posed to help us consider plans for the remainder of the year, as well as the upcoming year. It’s an annual ritual that leaves many of us, myself included, creating end-of-year […]