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I'm humbled and thrilled that you're here!  I already mentioned that I love journaling, so buckle your seatbelt ... you're in for a crazy, messy ride!  Remember, we're all perfectly imperfect

Welcome, welcome ...

(FYI, this post is also featured as a guest blog on Laurel Box’s website: Are you navigating grief, loss, and holiday cheer this season? With the falling of the leaves and crisper air in most parts comes an awareness of the upcoming holiday season.  In the midst of transitioning décor for fall, I’ve already […]

Have you ever wondered if you’re failing at grieving? While this may sound like a silly question, it’s fairly common for grieving hearts to consider it throughout the grief process. Let me explain … In one fell swoop, grief knocks you off your feet. As a result, you come crashing down, attempting to regain your […]

We often ask what we can do as we wait in life, but have you ever thought about what we can be in the waiting instead? A couple of weeks ago, I met up with a girlfriend for lunch at a local eatery. It was a rainy and cold day, so I was quite content […]

‘Wherever you go, there you are.’ This is the title of a 2005 book by author, Jon Kabat-Zinn. At the time, I’d become increasingly interested in the concept of mindfulness. If you’re curious, as I was, you can read more about Kabat-Zinn’s book here: For whatever reason, I found myself restless, in search of […]

Have you ever considered the reality of grieving while Black? If you don’t identify as BIPOC, it’s like that you haven’t. In society, we often ascribe wide-sweeping assumptions about the grief process. As a result, we’re less able to take into account the reality that all grief is not created equal. Caitlin Forbes ( writes […]

In 2013, another question my therapist asked was “Mekel, what do you think about unleashing the power of movement in grief? Hmmm … I hadn’t really considered how the two might be connected at that point in my grief journey. After my mom died in late 2012, and my body began sending non-stop signals in […]

Grief takes you here, there, and everywhere. The day I realized just how much grief had thrust me into a whirlwind, I’d already hit rock bottom. Roughly 8 months following my mom’s death, I traveled from LA to Washington, D.C. for a business meeting. The airplane, minimally full, provided the perfect cocoon for me to […]

Friend, have you ever thought about the gift that resides in the mundane rhythms of life? The regular trips to the grocery store. Folding the laundry. Tending to the yard. Sitting in that chair staring at the same scene day after day. If you’re anything like me, the all-too-familiar aspects of life can seem boring. […]

“Routine is rather like the egg whites in a batter: it imparts little flavor, but it holds everything together.” — Josiah Bancroft Experiencing a significant loss opens your eyes to see many things, including just how lopsided your life has become. From learning how to live life apart from a loved one to exploring newfound […]

In recent days, I’ve sensed the fresh winds of change. Perhaps it’s the gradual transition away from all that was 2020, with all its hurdles and obstacles. Or this week’s reminders, in the form of lingering sunshine and scarlet-colored birds, that winter barely remains. Maybe it’s simply the soft and gentle whispers from God Himself […]