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I'm humbled and thrilled that you're here!  I already mentioned that I love journaling, so buckle your seatbelt ... you're in for a crazy, messy ride!  Remember, we're all perfectly imperfect

Welcome, welcome ...

Have you ever thought about what it means to experience unforced rhythms of living? This was a question I asked myself years ago as I listened to a pastor preach on the topic of grace. He shared that many people don’t experience the full grace of God, in part, because they are focused more on […]

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘fake it ’til you make it.’ It’s a phrase used to inspire us to jump into action in the face of trials or accomplish a seemingly insurmountable goal. On the heels of my mom’s death in 2012 and even this year following my dad’s death, many people offered advice about […]

My mother, a woman who would absolutely be defined as a ‘strong Black woman,’ raised me to be a fighter and an overcomer. Born in the late 1940s, she was reared by a single and hardworking mother who’d mastered the art of grit. grit/: courage and resolve; strength of character From cleaning White folks’ homes […]

Here we are, yet again, experiencing life in the election dash. It’s the middle of the day in my neck of the woods. And while I dictate this blog post, there are many who are wrestling with feelings of uncertainty, preemptive disappointment, and overwhelm associated with the U. S. presidential election. Last night, I did […]

What does it mean to ‘show up for yourself’ as you grieve? It’s a common catch phrase we read on social media and hear on TV these days.  And it’s a phrase, in my opinion, that can evoke frustration and overwhelm as we consider the need to show up for one more doggone thing. Let’s […]

What do you do when the world is temporarily closed? It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves this year against the backdrop of a global pandemic. 2020 has brought with it a lot of doubt. Confusion. Uncertainty. But most of all, it’s ushered in a laundry list of questions. Like … what is the meaning […]

‘Showing up for yourself’ … It’s a contemporary catch-phrase we see plastered across social media platforms these days. But what does it actually mean? I’ll answer this question by sharing a story. The year was 2012 and for all intents and purposes, my life was fabulous. I lived in Southern California, enjoyed a fruitful career […]

One question I’ve asked myself often this year is: “Mekel, are you loving well in the midst of stress?” And quite frankly, depending on the day, the answer might be a resounding ‘no.’ Love is patient. Love is kind. It is not easily angry and keeps no record of past mistakes. You may be familiar […]

This year, I discovered the beauty of weight, and I’ve never felt better. Sounds crazy, right? Let me explain by sharing the year’s happenings thus far … February 2020 – I first learned of a public health crisis, what later became known as COVID-19, followed by significant shifts in society March 2020 – my dad […]

Serving as a leader within this fast-paced society requires the contemporary “leadership girl” to be able to wear many professional “heels,” if you will, while at the same time, master the art of balance.   Balance … a word that has become more commonplace in recent years, yet still remains elusive to many fearless leaders.   How is […]