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I'm humbled and thrilled that you're here!  I already mentioned that I love journaling, so buckle your seatbelt ... you're in for a crazy, messy ride!  Remember, we're all perfectly imperfect

Welcome, welcome ...

‘Showing up for yourself’ … It’s a contemporary catch-phrase we see plastered across social media platforms these days. But what does it actually mean? I’ll answer this question by sharing a story. The year was 2012 and for all intents and purposes, my life was fabulous. I lived in Southern California, enjoyed a fruitful career […]

One question I’ve asked myself often this year is: “Mekel, are you loving well in the midst of stress?” And quite frankly, depending on the day, the answer might be a resounding ‘no.’ Love is patient. Love is kind. It is not easily angry and keeps no record of past mistakes. You may be familiar […]

This year, I discovered the beauty of weight, and I’ve never felt better. Sounds crazy, right? Let me explain by sharing the year’s happenings thus far … February 2020 – I first learned of a public health crisis, what later became known as COVID-19, followed by significant shifts in society March 2020 – my dad […]

Grief has a way of unraveling you. Thread by thread. Painful moment by painful moment. December 2012 thrust me into uncharted territory — the dark and messy wilderness of grief. On the ninth day of the month, my spunky and outspoken mother died after receiving a diagnosis of stage IV pancreatic cancer just 30 days […]

Serving as a leader within this fast-paced society requires the contemporary “leadership girl” to be able to wear many professional “heels,” if you will, while at the same time, master the art of balance.   Balance … a word that has become more commonplace in recent years, yet still remains elusive to many fearless leaders.   How is […]

Every now and again, I like to switch up my workout routine. This is due, in part, to workout boredom, as well as a desire to challenge my body in new ways. So last week, I returned to an ‘oldie, but goodie,’ workout — barre. Not only did it energize me physically, but it also […]

Whether you embrace the title or not, you’re a leader. As a professional, parent, friend, or all of the above, you lead others. And as a leader, it’s important to lead well. Why? Because not only do others need you, you need you. I’ve always felt comfortable serving as a leader over the years. It’s […]

Who would’ve thought one could glean such wonderful life lessons from a garage sale? Let me explain … I’m an incredibly sentimental person. From cards and handwritten letters to items of clothing to physical knick knacks, I enjoy being able to spend time in reflection on individual mementos from the past, as well as experiences […]

Have you ever focused on what you think you lack in life? Perhaps a relationship or marriage. The big house. A huge social network. Children. Career accomplishments. A fancy car. If I’m 100% honest, I could scream a resounding, “Yes!” to this question. At varying points in my life, I’ve found myself peering into other’s […]

Chronic stress — HELLO, 2020! — can cramp our lifestyles, and we have to find ways to move through, release, and manage life in productive ways. Have you ever considered how letting go might help you combat stress? Let’s dig in. But first, let me lay the foundation. You may or may not be familiar […]