September 24, 2020
Chronic stress — HELLO, 2020! — can cramp our lifestyles, and we have to find ways to move through, release, and manage life in productive ways.
Let’s dig in. But first, let me lay the foundation.
You may or may not be familiar with the fight–flight–freeze response … the instinctive methods we humans use to manage what we perceive as threats in our environment. In the face of stressful situations, some of us enter into fight mode, attempting to control everything around us to manage the stress. Others do everything in their power to run away from the stress. And still, there are some who, as a result of being consumed by fear and overwhelm, become paralyzed and do nothing. Finally, some of us utilize a combination of all three responses, depending on how we view individual stressors.
Each of these stress responses serves a purpose, so if you’re tempted to beat yourself up about how you may be responding to life’s events, please don’t.
You’re human. And let’s face it — this year has been HARD, to say the least!
First, letting go to combat stress is NOT an admission of defeat in any particular area of your life.
Second, letting go is NOT adopting a laissez-faire, hands-off approach towards life.
And finally, it doesn’t mean you have no emotions associated with the stress that exists in your life. (This, my friend, would mean you’re not a living and breathing human!)
I’ll answer this by asking two questions. First, what’s swirling around in your mind and preventing you from feeling free? Second, what are you trying to change?
Our thoughts — namely, negative and anxious ones — sometimes overpower us and limit our ability to see past them, which inevitably creates emotional distress.
Think about it. How happy and uplifted can you feel if your thought life is consistently negative and overwhelming?
On a related note, we sometimes hold on to people and situations that we can’t change, again leading to stress.
So how do we loosen the grip on our stinkin’ thinkin,’ as well as those people and circumstances we have no control over? How do we let go to combat life’s stress?
You deserve to walk in freedom, to live a lifestyle less riddled with stress and strain. You, my friend, are worth it!
Check out one of my ‘oldie, but goodie’ videos from 2016 focused on how to let go of anger:
Remember: If you’re interested in learning more about managing your lifestyle, love, and loyalties to God and others, click here:
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